
detail from the IV hour of the day, astronomical ceiling of the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Hathor at Iunet-Dendera, first strip east:
(from right to left) the Goddess of the fourth hour of the day, wearing the Solar Crown and making adorations, and a human-headed Ba-bird (the Ba is the soul);
on the bow of the sacred barque of Ra is represented Montu (wearing the Solar Crown with the two feathers) spearing one of the rebels against Maat (represented as a human beings with asiatic features)


Hathor and Montu-Ra enthroned, detail from the south wall of the Chapel of Isis in the Temple of Hathor at Iunet 


Montu in His form of winged hieraconsphinx trampling a fallen Asiatic.
Ivory plaque from Nimrud (Mesopotamia), IX–VII century BCE; now in the Metropolitan Museum…


scenes from south wall of the Chapel of Isis in the Temple of Hathor at Iunet: in the upper register, the King (at right) making adorations (from right to left) to Hathor, Montu-Ra, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Thoth, and Nekhbet; in the lower register, the King making adorations and offerings to Hathor (at right), and to Hathor and Horus.


twelve Gods of the Great Ennead of Thebes, detail from the northern interior wall (east side) of the Great Hypostyle Hall of the Great Temple of Amon-Ra at Ipet-Sut (Uaset-Thebes):
-in the upper register, from left to right, Montu, Atum, Shu, Tefnut;
-in the lower register the Gods are represented in pairs (from left to right),
Geb and Nut, Osiris and Isis, Seth and Nephthys, Horus and Hathor.
The images of the Gods have been impiously defaced by the christians…


Great Temple of Amon-Ra in the Ipet-Sut Precinct at Uaset (Diospolis Megale-Thebes), detail of the Entrance-Gate of the Second Pylon leading to the Great Hypostyle Hall, north side: in the upper register, the King making adorations and offerings to Amon-Ra and Maat; in the middle register, the King making adorations and offerings to Amon-Ra and Montu; in the lower register, the King making adorations and burning incense before Amon-Ra (ithyphallic) and Isis. At left, the colossal statue of the High Priest of Amon-Ra and King, the Glorious Pinedjem I (1070-1032 BCE).


columns from the Great Hypostyle Hall of the Great Temple of Amon-Ra at Uaset (Diospolis Megale-Thebes): on the column at right, the King making adorations and offerings to Amon-Ra and Montu (falcon-headed); on the column at left, the King making adorations and offerings to Amon-Ra (ithyphallic) and Isis


The lintel of the Monumental Gate (built by King Ptolemy III Euergetes I) of the Precinct of Montu, to the north of the Precinct of Amon-Ra at Uaset (Diospolis Megale-Thebes): above, the Winged Solar Orb (representing Horus of Behdet) flanked by the Two Uraei (the Two Goddesses Nekhbet and Uadjet). On the lintel, a double scene of adorations and offerings to the Divine Triad of Montu: Montu, Her Divine Wife Raettawy (“the female Ra of the Two Lands”), and Their son Harpokrates: in the middle, a double representation of Harpokrates, Raettawy, and Montu; at right and at left, the King offering a statuette of the Goddess Maat to the Divine Triad of Montu; behind the King are represented the Queen and two Goddesses.


Amon-Ra, the God Montu(identified in the Hellenic religion with the God Apollon) and Alexander the Great, relief from the inner area of the Ipet-resyt Temple of Amon at Diospolis Megale, Thebes:  the War-God Montu giving the Ankh, the symbol of Life, to Alexander the Great, and leading Him to the presence of Amon-Ra, His Divine Father, identified by the Hellenes with the Great God Zeus


scene from the Hall of Offerings of the Double Temple of Haroeris and Sobek at Ombos:the bull-headed God Sema-Ur (that is the Bukhis Bull of Iuny-Hermonthis identified to Montu) placing the offerings on the Altar, before Sobek and Hathor; behind Sema-Ur is represented the King bringing white bread.


King Ptolemy V making offerings to the sacred Bukhis Bull, ca. 180 BCE


Three are the sacred Bulls worshipped in the Egyptian Religion: the Apis Bull of Memphis (associated and identified with Ptah and Osiris), the Mnevis Bull of On-Heliopolis (associated and identified with Ra and Atum), and the Bukhis Bull. The sacred Bukhis Bull, Whose seat of worship is Iuny/Hermonthis, Uaset-Thebes and all the Theban region, is associated with Osiris and Ra, and is identified with the War-God Montu.

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