Upper Egypt

the main Gods worshipped in Middle Egypt, from the Egyptian Museum at Berlin:
amulets and statuettes of Thoth (Khemenu/Hermopolis Megale) in His forms/manifestations of Ibis, Baboon, and Ibis-headed man; at right, statuettes of Upuaut/Anubis (Lycopolis) and of Osiris (Abydos).


the main Gods worshipped in Upper Egypt, from the Egyptian Museum at Berlin: (from left to right) statuettes of Osiris (Abydos),  Amon Mut and Khonsu (Uaset, Diospolis Megale-Thebes), Horus (Behdet, Apollinopolis Megale) Haroeris (Horus the Ancient) and Sobek (Ombos)


the God representing the town Uaset (Thebes), and the Goddess representing the town Madou (near Thebes), both bearing offerings and Ankh-signs (the symbol of Life); detail from the First Hypostyle Hall of the “Temple of Millions of Years” of King Ramses II at Abydos


the God representing the highly sacred town “Abydos”, bearing offerings and Ankh-signs (the symbol of Life);
detail from the First Hypostyle Hall of the “Temple of Millions of Years” of King Ramses II at Abydos


the God representing the IX nome of Upper Egypt (“Min” is the name of the nome, and the capital is Khemmis/Panopolis) bearing offerings and Ankh-signs (the symbol of Life);
detail from the west wall of the II Hypostyle Hall of the Great Temple of King Sethi I at Abydos


Dendera (Iunet)

Diospolis Megale, Thebes

Hermonthis (Iuny)

Valley of the Kings, West Diospolis Megale

Behdet (Apollinopolis Megale)

Philae, Paaleq

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