I Dynasty

(ca. 3150/2890 BC)
from Thinis/Abydos

-Horus Narmer-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Menes

-Horus Aha-

-Horus Djer-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Itit

Probably Djer is to be identified with the King “Kenkenes” of the Royal List of Manetho (Aigyptiaka, Fr. 7)

-Horus Djet(Uadj)-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Iti

-Horus Den-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Semti

-Horus Anedjib-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Merpibia

-Horus Semerkhet-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Irinetjer

-Horus Qaa-

“King of Upper and Lower Egypt” : Qebh


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